Development and production of brassinosteroids (BRst)
- PHPchem Ltd. Is engaged with the development and production of solutions on BRst. Base
- BRst manufactured by us are suitable for foliar as well as soil application
- The most effective application is a foliar spray
- BRst are plant hormones with many potential applications in agriculure
Lipid extract from rape pollen was the impuls to the BRst discovery, which had the properties that support plant growth. During closer examination of this extract it was found that one of its minor component, brassinolid, is responsible for the effect. (0,1 ppm).
Later, another BRst were described in plants, trees, algae, practically everywhere. More than 70 natural BRst were described up to date.
However, their practical application has been difficult – natural BRst are very expensive even when used in smaller quantities. For this reason, chemists have been trying to synthesize analogues of brassinosteroids, which would be cheaper and effective.
Brassinosteroids are compounds which have influence on cell division and cell elongation – these effects were discovered first.
BRst are not only affecting cell division and elongation that have such important influence on the plant growth and development, but they also participate in the induction of differentiation of the vascular system of plants, they play an important role in regulating senescence, they induce the growth of the pollen tube, they influence seed germination and induce root formation.
For agricultural practice this means that they increase crop yields, they can overcome stress of the environment ( lack of irrigation, lack of nutrients, lack of temperatures (high, low), the elimination of the stress effects caused by salt, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, etc. )
All of this is done by BRst, the logical candidates for agricultural applications.
They can be used for everything, especially proven on cereals (wheat, canola), poppy seeds, wine, sugar beets, tomatoes, potatoes, to the forest nurseries, for fruit and vegetables. According to our testing it is also shown that the effect BRst is positive also in the forestry. Our tests in the forest nursery demonstrated a beneficial effect on the growth of seedlings, rooting of seedlings and larger and more efficient germination.